Regardless of your experience, everyone is welcome to attend any of our clubs or Branches as we refer them to. You're also welcome to join any of our events. If you have gaming dice, pencils and a pad of paper, bring it with you. However it's not essential as we are fully equipped with everything you need..
Below is our “3 Step Survial Guide” made by our members to help you on your first time with us.

You're welcome to join any of our branches listed on our website, see 'Club Locator' for your nearest convenient location. Each one runs different games but operates the same way, under the same set of simple rules, this basic structure is explained below. It's important to know each Branch has its own volunteers, known as a Committee which are available via our contact us page if you have unanswered questions.
What Age Can Attend the Branches?
You can only attend our branches if you are 18+
Some common questions we are asked regarding this:
Q: Can I bring along my children to watch while I play?
A: No, this can be off-putting for our players and distracting to parents.
Q: Why are you 18+?
A: This is due to our insurance policy in a private hire venue.
Q: Will this ever change?
A: Yes, we are looking into options to allow 16+ in the future.
Locate a Club
We currently only operate in the UK, but you find us from London to Wales and many more branches opening every year.
Click here to find your nearest branch.
Cannot Find a Club?
If you cannot find a club near you. Sign-up to our mailing list, selecting your location and we will tell you soon as a branch opens.
Click here to sign up.

We have a massively wide range of games for you to play and we always recommend you spend some time on our Games Calendar looking for a game that interests you. Don't worry if the game has started already, our experienced GMs will be able to adapt to fit you into the adventure.
If you are not a member, you will not be able to join a game online. Instead, you'll need to contact the branch committee to reserve your seat for your first session. We all always offer your first session for free. After that, you need to buy a membership to book your seat for the remaining Games Quarter.
Finding your Game
Most branches have on average 5-8 games that run during a gaming quarter. Take your time to carefully reviews the games and select a setting which appeals to you the most. If you have questions you can email the GM directly.
To book into a game, you need a membership to login on to this website and reserve your slot. First time to The Role Haven? Email your local branch to book a free first session.
You can buy membership from our Shop.
Game Session Tokens
Game Session Tokens are our virtual payment method for your weekly game. These can be purchased from the shop and cost £3.00 for members and £4.00 for non members. These tokens are emailed to you as a QR code, which is then scanned by our volunteers at the branch when attending a gaming session.
You can buy game session tokens from our Shop.
Games Quarter
Games operate over a period of 3 months, which gives four quarters of the year; Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. A typical Gaming Quarter will usually have 12 game sessions. Most games will run for a full quarter, others games will run for half a quarter (6 games), followed by another game - making a full quarter.
Games Pitching
Two weeks before the new Games Quarter the games will be placed on hold for 20 minutes and the GMs will pitch games they are running for the next quarter. This is the chance for potential players to ask questions and get further information on the upcoming games. Some GMs may even talk about games they are planning for much later during the year or ask what games the members like to play.
Run your own Game?
We recommend new GMs to play first in at least one quarter before they run thier own game. Speak to your branch volunteer committee for more information about running a game at your local branch. They are easy to spot, look for someone wearing The RP Haven T-Shirt or select Contact Us on our website and email the relevant branch.

Attending one of our branches for the first time? Expect to be greeted by one of our volunteers, they will introduce you to your GM and fellow players. They will also give you details about how the local branch operates, such as where the toilets are or how to get refreshments.
What to Bring with you?
The only thing mandatory for you to attend your first night is yourself. Pens, paper, character sheets and dice will be provided. Of course you are also welcome to bring your own. Some of our branches meet in cafes, community centres or gaming pubs so please check out the venue details before attending to get a full range of options regarding refreshments.
Games Update
Every week, the organizers of the game (known as “GM”) inform the players whether the game will be running or not for that week. We refer to this as the “Games Update”. You will receive an email or you can check the Games Calendar page to find out if your game is operating or not.
We are always looking to improve our experience for new players and members to our clubs, please us the contact us page for any feedback you would like to provide to improve our process.